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Motivation Workshop Webinar - Mind It Ltd - Wellbeing at Work - Wellbeing workshops, wellbeing webinars, wellbeing training and wellbeing consultancy - Leeds Yorkshire - copyright Rawpixel






The first step in motivation is deciding to do something, actually deciding to start. We can all choose to sit on the couch or lie in bed and not bother… that decision is easy! This session has been designed to help you to find your motivation and to remain motivated at work and in life in general. There will be opportunities to reflect on your own motivation and short activities so you can implement effective changes.

Topics covered

  • How are we motivated

  • Preparation VS Procrastination

  • Managing expectations

  • Practical steps to increase motivation



60 min | £350 | Max 20 attendees | On-site OR Online | Pen, paper and projector required


"I liked the finding motivation session, because there were lots of useful tips
in that one that were relevant to things I struggle w

_Attendee, University of Leeds, Residential Services Wellbeing Away Day

Team Wellbeing Workshop Webinar - Mind It Ltd - Wellbeing at Work - Wellbeing workshops, wellbeing webinars, wellbeing training and wellbeing consultancy - Leeds Yorkshire
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