How do you celebrate Yorkshire Day?
Our beautiful region has so much to offer to our own wellbeing. I indeed arrived in Leeds after living in Paris for (quite) a few years and at a point where my own wellbeing was rather low.
What I love about Yorkshire is that you can easily get a much more balanced lifestyle than what I used to have. Here, you can get the most of everything without traveling too far: a very dynamic city full of opportunities (Leeds) and great places to eat, drink and shop, and a gorgeous countryside nearby!

As we love Yorkshire (and Yorkshire people!) a lot, we feel the urge to celebrate Yorkshire Day on the 1st of August and to share with you a few ideas to get some Yorkshire wellbeing sparkles. On this special day, why not:
Going for a walk? One of the region’s best assets is the easily accessible countryside and natural parks. From a short walk on the Ilkley Moor to a full-day hike on the Three Peaks in the Yorkshire Dales, you can easily find a walking tour that suits your energy and fitness level for the day! And if you want something more ‘mindful’ and cannot travel to the Dales or North York Moors, we would be happy to organise a ‘Mindful Walk’ in the streets of Leeds for you too!
Getting on your bike? Making the most of this regional asset we just mentioned, why not get on your bike? It’s no wonder why the Tour de Yorkshire has become so popular around here. Despite the pain to ride up these hills, the viewpoints’ rewards are amazing. I have met more people passionate about cycling here than any day during the Tour de France back in France! Have a read at our article on the benefits of cycling and just get on your bike! It is a great way to exercise, enjoy beautiful views, connect with nature and others, and let everything go.
Going to a local pub? Another way to connect with others is to spend time in the pub. Yes, it might sound strange on a blog mostly talking about wellbeing! However, historically, and according to Historic UK, the British Pub “is not just a place to drink beer, wine, cider, or even something a little bit stronger. It is also a unique social centre, very often the focus of community life in villages, towns, and cities throughout the length and breadth of the country.” Going to the pub is a way of spending time with others, connecting, sharing. And this is part of our wellbeing too! So, if you are feeling too low to go for a walk or to cycle, just head to the local pub and talk to a stranger! (Please just make sure you drink responsibly!)
Going to the sea? A study of University of Exeter proves that people are more likely to have good health the closer they live to the sea. Spending time by the sea is then very likely to improve our health and wellbeing. And Yorkshire offers several great options! Our favourite places by the sea are Whitby and Robinhood bay with nice walks along the cliffs and sweet fish and chips. But the winner of all places for us is Flamborough Head – how wonderful is this wild spot close to Scarborough, with stunning views and refreshing gales! Ideal to get some fresh air and clear your head of all your worries!
Doing something new? There are so many great things to visit around Yorkshire, you cannot get bored! And trying something new is an opportunity to learn, which is one of the 5 ways of wellbeing according to the charity Action for Happiness. Why not going somewhere you have never been before, like in the medieval streets of York or in Yorkshire Sculpture Park? Or trying something completely new to you, like painting or dancing? Let’s have fun and learn new things!
Trying all the above? What if you could make all this fit into one full day? It would be the best option to celebrate Yorkshire, with your friends, family, team, or on your own! If you are a company and would like to treat your employees for Yorkshire Day, get in touch with us, we would be happy to help you make the most out of it! Ta!