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Find Happiness in the Workplace Workshop Webinar - Mind It Ltd - Wellbeing at Work - Wellbeing workshops, wellbeing webinars, wellbeing training and wellbeing consultancy - Leeds Yorkshire - copyright Prisicilla Du Preez






This interactive, practical workshop will help participants to understand what motivates them at work, their personal style of working, and what gets in the way of a satisfying working life. Participants will leave with a greater understanding of what makes them tick, and practical tools to find their happy at work.


Topics covered

Motivation, learning styles, personality types, self-limiting beliefs



Half / Full Day | £950 / £2,450 | Max 20 attendees | On-site OR Online | Pen, paper and projector required

Team Wellbeing Workshop Webinar - Mind It Ltd - Wellbeing at Work - Wellbeing workshops, wellbeing webinars, wellbeing training and wellbeing consultancy - Leeds Yorkshire
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